Check out the impact we had in 2022 alone!

Sustainable in so many ways

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Your lawn is a part of something bigger

Your lawn is a part of something bigger

Reduce your impact

Check out the impact we had in 2022 alone!

Reduce your impact

But what about weeds? Glad you asked.

Our approach takes care of unwanted growth without the use of dangerous chemicals and haphazard application of many leading weed killers.

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Get Sunday

Traditional (read: toxic!) lawn care products are harmful not just to your little plot of land, but also to the environment around it. Thankfully, Sunday makes it simple to care for both your lawn and the planet.

Traditional (read: toxic!) lawn care products are harmful not just to your little plot of land, but also to the environment around it. Thankfully, Sunday makes it simple to care for both your lawn and the planet.

Get Sunday

Good from the ground up

We’re committed to sustainability from the ground up. From smart packaging to pesticide-free fertilizers, Sunday offers a more planet-friendly approach than traditional lawn care brands in a variety of impactful ways.

We’re committed to sustainability from the ground up. From smart packaging to pesticide-free fertilizers, Sunday offers a more planet-friendly approach than traditional lawn care brands in a variety of impactful ways.

Simple applications, real results

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Tame your weedsTame your weeds

Good for your lawn.
And the planet.

At Sunday, we think caring for your lawn means caring for the planet. With sustainability in mind, we have the tools you need to take care of the earth below your feet. (And your neighbors’ feet!)

Take care with Sunday

Your lawn is a part of your home—a place where kids and pets can play, and where you can enjoy the fresh air. It’s also a part of a vital, much larger ecosystem.

Your lawn is a part of something bigger

Your lawn is a part of your home—a place where kids and pets can play, and where you can enjoy the fresh air. It’s also a part of a vital, much larger ecosystem.

Take care with Sunday