Try the Sunday way

Care for your lawn. Cut the chemicals.

Sunday creates lawn care products free of junk that can put you, your family, and pets at risk.

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Your lawn is more than a good-looking ground cover. With kids, pets, friends, and others around, toxic chemicals shouldn’t come anywhere near it. But do you really have to forgo a nice lawn to keep your loved ones safe?

The search for better lawn care is over

Everything you need for your lawn, delivered

Sunday creates lawn care products free of junk that can put you, your family, and pets at risk.

Care for your lawn. Cut the chemicals.

Your lawn is more than a good-looking ground cover. With kids, pets, friends, and others around, toxic chemicals shouldn’t come anywhere near it. But do you really have to forgo a nice lawn to keep your loved ones safe?

What makes a Sunday
lawn more sustainable?

Build your custom planI'm ready to save!

Featured in

Using thoughtfully selected ingredients and working with nature, Sunday cuts the safety risks that come with many popular lawn care products.

Take care with Sunday





Custom plans designed for your lawn’s unique needs

Deeper grass roots that improve drought resiliency (and need less water!)

Techniques and products (hello, clover!) that improve biodiversity

Pesticide-free fertilizers that reduce waste and improve soil health

Custom plans designed for your lawn’s unique needs

Deeper grass roots that improve drought resiliency (and need less water!)

Techniques and products (hello, clover!) that improve biodiversity

Pesticide-free fertilizers that reduce waste and improve soil health

But what about weeds?

Everyone has them—and most people want them gone. We get it! Sunday weed control takes care of unwanted growth without the harsh, haphazard approach of many leading weed killers.

Tame your weeds

People, pet, and planet-friendly care

With Sunday, caring for your lawn means caring for your environment. Using simple ingredients and sustainable techniques, Sunday makes it simpler to take care of the earth below your feet (and paws!).

Try Sunday

What makes a Sunday
lawn more sustainable?

Everyone has them—and most people want them gone. We get it! Sunday weed control takes care of unwanted growth without the harsh, haphazard approach of many leading weed killers.

I'm ready to save!

With Sunday, caring for your lawn means caring for your environment. Using simple ingredients and sustainable techniques, Sunday makes it simpler to take care of the earth below your feet (and paws!).